Broccoli Peanut Rice
Nutritional values for 1 serving :
425 calories
Carbohydrates 62g
Fats 10g
Protein 19g
Preparation time: 35 minutes
Ingredients for 3 servings:
150 g whole grain brown rice
400 g chickpeas
3 pieces of broccoli
3 tbsp pure peanut butter
¼ l vegetable stock
Water if desired
1. Soak the rice and chickpeas in water and let stand
2. Drain the next day.
3. Wash the broccoli and cut into small pieces. Then cook in a
saucepan for about 10-15 minutes until al dente. Then stir into
the rice mixture.
4. Mix the peanut butter with the broth and bring to the boil,
5. Mix all ingredients well and bring to the boil. Season to
taste with salt and pepper. Possibly. Pour in more water.
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