Nutritional values for 1 serving :

296 calories

Carbohydrates 47g

Fats 9g

Egg white 5g

Preparation time: 80 minutes

Ingredients for 2 servings:

6 medium-sized waxy potatoes
1 cucumber
1 level teaspoon instant vegetable stock
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
Medium hot mustard, vegan
Sea salt, pepper
150 g lamb’s lettuce


1. Cook the potatoes in plenty of salted water for about 20
minutes, then drain and allow to evaporate. Now peel and cut
into fine slices while still warm.

2. Peel the cucumber and finely slice it. Then put in a bowl with
the potatoes.

3. Heat about 150 ml of water and stir in the broth. Then add to
the potatoes and cucumber and let steep for about 60 minutes.
4. Season the potato salad with vinegar, mustard, salt and
pepper. Then mix in the oil.

5. Wash the lamb’s lettuce and fold it into the salad.

6. Serve the salad with the Brotzeit-Planterln.